Bay Country Antiques is now able to obtain discounted shipping quotes or arrangements from most areas of the country for our customers please feel free to email us with your ZIP Code and any special needs and we will be glad to quickly obtain quotes on your behalf to make the shipping choice.
All shipping is third-party and we are only obtaining quotes and passing your contact information along to the shipping company they will contact you prior to delivery estimated delivery time is typically 4 to 6 week sometime sooner sometimes longer depending on scheduling items shipped via UPS will be much sooner please check with shippers to confirm time frames because the shipping companies do not work for us these Times are not guaranteed and only estimated based on past experience is. You are more than welcome to pick your items up or to use any shipper of your choice. Below is a list of approved shippers who pick up from Bay country antiques big country antiques is not affiliated with any shipping company and makes no recommendations. These companies are listed Emily as convenience to our customers for a reputable shipping options. If buyer has a licensed and insured carrier they wish to use they are welcome we just need authorization to release prior to ship or pick up 24 hours or more advance to prepare your items to be shipped.
Please message us for additional details or information.
List of approved shippers:
Sweeney Transport (email us directly)
Vintage Transport 404.733.6200
Rick ships 336.887.0065
Plycon Group 631.269.7000
Antique Delivery 207.469.5363
Craters & Freighters 866.397.0488
UPS – Contact us for Direct quotes
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